Magilla's Guide to Grooming

Have you ever gone to Starbucks to get a coffee and a guy walks through the door looking as if he just rolled out of bed? What were your initial thoughts about that person? I bet it wasn’t “He must be a genius” or “That is a go-getter”. He could be all those things but he did not convey it as a first impression. Appearance affects perception and the perception of that guy is not good.


1. Beards and Mustaches

There’s nothing wrong with having facial hair. But a messy one? No thanks. You do not want to be mistaken for an unkempt lumberjack or a hobo. Even if you do not have a beard, you can look scruffy if you skip shaving for a day. Trim the edges of beards and mustaches into shape on a daily basis. You do not need to do anything fancy, just go lightly over the edges of your facial hair with a trimmer and the appropriate guide comb, cutting everything back to a uniform length and make sure the outline is nice and crisp.


2. Nose Hair

Long nose hair makes you look unpolished! It takes only a few moments with a trimmer to remove this incredibly unsightly element from your face. Remember: the taller you are, the more people are looking up your nose. Not trimming can cause potential business partners to be distracted by your nose danglers instead of listening to your pitch in an important meeting.


3. Ear Hair

Same theory as nose hairs. Once again, it takes less than a minute to trim, every few days or weeks depending on your hair growth. The general rule of thumb for both nose and ear hairs is straightforward: the ends shouldn’t be visible. Trim the hairs off inside the rim of the relevant opening, but you do not have to go any deeper than that. Just trim the tips and be done with it.


4. Hair

Visit your barber or stylist at regular intervals. For shorter styles, never go more than three weeks between trims. If you wear your hair longer, you can stretch that further depending on the length of your style. A good rule of thumb is this: You should never look like you've just had a haircut. When you leave the barber's chair, if there is a tan line on the back of your neck, you've waited too long.


5. Nails

If you have long nails, frayed cuticles, or gnarly hangnails, it can be off putting for others to shake your hand. A guy’s hands do not have to be perfectly smooth, but they should be clean and well kept. Start by resting the clippers on your nail and clip no more than three to four times per nail following its natural curve. Next, smooth out your nail with a file to even out the edges until you have a slightly rounded shape.  Do not be afraid to go to a salon and get a manicure if you do not want to do it yourself. At the very least, your nails should not have dirt trapped under them.


6. Products

An important aspect of grooming is to use quality products for men’s shaving. This means using sharp razors and lubricating shaving cream, so that the razor glides effortlessly over the face. The proper use of products will prevent nicks and finish with a clean shave. Our Magilla founder loves the Wahl Lithium Ion Trimmer. Wahl offers many quality products for shaving, trimming, and haircutting.


7. Routine

It is a good idea to set a schedule to keep you looking sharp.  A solid routine will help you remember when it’s time to get a haircut, shave, etc.  Not having a routine can result in going to work with a five o’clock shadow and unkempt long hair. A good guide to follow is, daily for stubble trimming, weekly for nose and ear hair trimming, and consider a haircut monthly unless your hairstyle involves a really short cut.  Pick a day and time for each task and stick to that time every week or month.